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    Board of Education
    123 Whisler Drive, Willard, OH 
    High School/Middle School
    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH
    Willard Elementary School
    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH 
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Willard City Schools
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Home of the Crimson Flashes


Military Appreciation Night - The County Border Battle 
Willard City Schools is in the process of applying for the Purple Star Award - This award recognizes military-friendly schools that show a major commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation's armed forces.
Willard Alumni,
We are so glad that you visiting the Willard City Schools' Homepage. We want to welcome you and remind you that once a Willard Flash, always a Willard Flash! You will find links to information on this page. We would also like to remind you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where there is always information listed about what is going on throughout the district, including special events like class reunions, Homecoming and other events and activities.

Alumni Registration

All WCS Alumni are encouraged to register HERE to receive updates and information about upcoming events, including class reunion information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Military Family Support

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